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Major Auto Company R&D Brings NMR Research In-House With Anasazi Instruments Multi-Nuclear 90MHz NMR

Scientists from a carmaker’s advanced material R&D center identified multinuclear NMR as a critical component of their research program. However, they had no NMR on-site nor budget for a superconducting NMR, cryogens, and maintenance. Additionally, their facility lacked a proper location for a high-field instrument so they paid to analyze their samples at a regional university’s high-field NMR lab (primarily 700 MHz).
The university’s facility was often booked, travel time was significant, and the researchers themselves would wait until they had many samples to make the trip worth their effort. Consequently, they often waited weeks for data.
The R&D center needed an in-house NMR spectrometer capable of delivering multinuclear data fast.
The company turned to Anasazi Instruments, makers of cryogen-free, permanent magnet NMR spectrometers. Since 1995, Anasazi has manufactured high-end instruments that are powerful enough to satisfy the intensive needs of industrial researchers yet safe enough to operate in corporate laboratory settings.
Anasazi’s Eft-90 spectrometer is the highest field permanent magnet NMR on the market. Its rugged design enables varied installation environments. Combined with magnetic field stability, superior resolution, and advanced low-noise digital design, the Anasazi Eft-90 spectrometer was the right solution in their search to bring an NMR spectrometer in-house. Thanks to the multinuclear option, R&D staff now perform NMR experiments on a variety of nuclei — 1H, 7Li, 10B, 11B, 13C, 19F, 23Na, and 31P.
The carmaker now conducts their research with confidence without worrying about waiting for data, increasing costs and need for cryogens. Anasazi’s number one focus is ensuring that every NMR spectrometer they produce is of the highest quality. They provide R&D technicians with invaluable access to an instrument they can safely operate. Anasazi’s core customer promise is to service every instrument they produce themselves. This commitment ensures the Eft-90’s longevity and keeps overall costs to a minimum. Ultimately, acquiring an Eft-90 has reduced their dependence on the rented high-field instrument by 90%!
Interested in what Anasazi can do to improve your company’s efficiency and increase the bottom line? Contact us for a free consultation.
Learn how much a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine cost.

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