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NMR Instruments from Anasazi

Analytical chemists and material researchers love using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy because NMR provides a deep and nuanced look into their molecules and materials.

Using NMR instruments, researchers can understand the molecular structure of a wide range of small organic molecules and inorganic materials. This powerful technique can also be used to generate rich quantitative data regarding a range of key sample characteristics. These include:

  • Reaction profiling
  • Identity confirmation

Initially discovered by physicists in the mid-20th Century, the ability to probe the nuclear properties of atoms using applied electromagnetic fields rapidly paid dividends for chemical laboratories. It is now possible to non-destructively assess the molecular composition and structure of samples faster than ever before.

NMR Instruments: Introducing Bespoke Solutions

One criticism that has been leveled at high-field NMR instruments is the high level of maintenance costs, required personnel resources, and lab space.  As a result, many researchers cannot afford an NMR instrument. The technology’s general setup comprises a large helium-cooled superconducting magnet, a probe with a radiofrequency (RF) emitter and detector, and a software system capable of resolving the resultant NMR spectra. These huge and expensive systems are extremely valuable when interrogating complex molecules in big-budget laboratory settings, but they are both cost- and space-prohibitive for many smaller facilities.

Anasazi has long championed rugged and easy-to-use 60 and 90-megahertz (MHz) NMR instruments in a broader scientific realm, providing the means to apply this pioneering spectroscopic technique in fewer specialist areas of application and space-limited laboratories, such as community colleges.

Eft-90 NMR Instruments

The Eft-90 is our flagship product which outstrips the resolution capabilities and sensitivity of any other permanent magnet NMR instrument. It is easy to install and maintain in either of its three configurations. These include the base proton NMR instrument, hydrogen, and 13-carbon configuration, and a comprehensive multinuclear offering with an expansive list of observable nuclei.

We have prepared a Sortable Multinuclear NMR Data Table Reference to help chemists efficiently search for supporting details for NMR experimentation.

Owing to the lack of cryogen the typically strict user safety precautions of NMR spectroscopy can be relaxed to enable a hands-on experience for novice users of the technology.

Eft-60 NMR Instruments

The Eft-60 is known as our workhorse NMR spectrometer, boasting the highest sensitivity of any 60 MHz-class NMR instrument on the market. It is also easy to install, maintain, needs no cryogen and is available in the same three configurations as the Eft-90.

NMR Instrumentation from Anasazi

Anasazi is one of the industry-leading suppliers of accessible NMR instruments that do not compromise on analytical power. Our tried-and-trusted Eft product line can perform a range of experiments with new methods continuously being prepared.

Come back to our blog page soon to read our next blog post How Do NMR Spectrometers Work?

If you would like to arrange a consultation or demonstration of either of our NMR instruments, simply contact a member of the Anasazi team today.