Using Phosphorus NMR spectroscopy to analyze compounds
What can you do with 31P NMR?
31P NMR aids in determining or confirming the structure of phosphorus containing compounds. Try using 31P to study enzyme kinetics, biomolecules, and reaction rates or to determine the purity of phosphorus containing materials. it reveals structural and dynamical information of diverse biological and non-biological systems.
Did You Know?
The nuclear properties of 31P make it ideal for NMR spectroscopy.
Workers in the field have been publishing data since the 1950’s, so there are extensive literature resources to help solve your research problems.
Check out 31P NMR of Adenosine Phosphates to see 31P NMR in chemical education.
Recommended Literature
D.M. Grant, R. K. Harris (eds.), Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1996 J. Mason (ed.), Multinuclear NMR, Plenum Press, New York, 1987 D.G. Gorenstein (ed.), Phosphorus-31 NMR: Principles and Applications, American Press, Orlando, Florida, 1984 |
C.T Burt (ed.), Phosphorus NMR in Biology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, 1987 D.G. Gorenstein, Prog. NMR Spectrosc., 1983, 16, 1 J.C. Teddy (ed.), Handbook of Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Resonance Data, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1991 |
31P Properties
- 100% natural abundance
- Spin 1/2
- 4700 ppm range of chemical shifts
- Receptivity 377
- Gyromagnetic ratio17.235 MHzT-1
- Reference standard H3PO4
- Freq EFT-90: 36.437 MHz
- Freq EFT-60: 24.292 MHz

Nuclei Series Download
To download a copy of Phosphorus-31 for your use and reference click on the download PDF link below.