NMR Video Library
Looking for video answers to your burning NMR spectroscopy questions?
Anasazi Instruments’s experts explain how NMR spectroscopy works, guide you through data processing and analysis using NUTS (NMR Utility Transform Software) and lead you deeper into the fascinating world of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
NUTS program video guides
Don’t forget to download the free demo software for your homework!
Guide to processing 1H NMR data using NUTS program
Guide to process data from an EFT-60 NMR spectrometer using the NUTS (NMR Utility Transform Software) program.
Guide to Processing 13C NMR data – 1D and DEPT – using NUTS software
Processing C13 and DEPT data using the NUTS software package. The use of macros makes the data processing fast and easy.
Manual BAPR Processing of P31 Data
Block Averaging with Peak Registration (BAPR) is used in the data acquisition and processing of NMR data for AlNiCo magnet based systems. These AlNiCo magnets are built to be stable enough to acquire data for many hours without the need of a field frequency lock.
Processing T1 data using NUTS
Using the NUTS software to process various peaks of an inversion recovery experiment. The values for T1 vary widely with the position of the resonance within the molecule.
eLearning – NMR Relaxation
This is an eLearning video about pulse programs, T1 and T2 relaxation, the dipolar relaxation mechanism and using the inversion recovery experiment to measure T1 relaxation time.
eLearning – Number of Scans
A brief discussion on how signal and noise are affected by the number of scans in an NMR experiment. This includes the use of the NUTS data processing software to process signal experiment data.
eLearning – H1 NMR Spectra Interpretation
A process is outlined for interpreting H1 NMR spectra including chemical shift, J-coupling and integration including a brief discussion of each of these facets.
PNMR Data Acquisition
PNM Data Acquisition – Experimental – EZ H1 Acquisition
This video shows how easy it is to collect H1 data using the EFT NMR spectrometer. The ACQ command will do everything including Shimming, TMS AutoZero, and Automatic Data processing.
Using NMR should be quick and easy. The new QuickButton interface in PNMR does just that. NMR Spectroscopy has never been easier.
Hardware Series
Hardware Series – Probe Removal EM390
Step-by-step instructions for removing the high resolution probe from a Varian EM390 magnet with the Aii EFT upgrade. This video has a step-by step presentation along with a recorded portion at the end.
Shunting a Permanent Magnet
The 60 MHz and 90 MHz magnets used for NMR spectrometers are made from AlNiCo (aluminum nickel cobalt). Over long periods of time, the magnet loses a miniscule amount of field strength. A built-in correction mechanism (the shunt screw) allows the user to easily correct the field.